The Poetics of Space


Editor: Arie Altena
Copy Editors: Arie Altena, Mark Poysden
Design: Femke Herregraven
256 pp., 17x 24 cm, February 2010
Print copies are sold out!

This publication presents an exploration of space and spatiality in the arts, more specifically the poetry of abstract space and the psychological perception of space. With a particular focus on immersive installations, spatial sound, multi-screen projections, audiovisual performances and the innovative artistic use of technology that often takes centre-stage at Sonic Acts, The Poetics of Space provides insights into the various ways in which the arts approach and define space. Among others, the critical essays explore extremely long sound waves, volcano eruptions and Alvin Lucier, the fascinating history of dioramas, the legendary Vortex concerts of Henry Jacobs and Jordan Belson, and the ways in which mobile and location-aware technology profoundly changes the use of social and public space. Interviews with artists, architects and composers shed light on how contemporary artists approach space and spatiality. Originally published to accompany the 2010 edition of the Sonic Acts Festival.


Introduction – Arie Altena

Voice Over – Brandon Labelle

Raviv Ganchrow: Approaches to Space and Sound – Interview by Arie Altena

Long SoundsDouglas Kahn

Maryanne Amacher: Extremities – In conversation with Frank J. Oteri

Soundscape Composition as Global Music: Electroacoustic Music as Soundscape – Barry Truax

 Takuro Mizuta Lippit: Space Is Something That Arrives With The Sound – Interview by Arie Altena

Jordan Belson and The Vortex Concerts: Cosmic Illusions – Cindy Keefer

E.A.T: Pepsi Pavilion

TEZ: Immersive Works for Complete Experiences – Interview by Arie Altena

Cyborg Ritual and Sentic Technology in The Vortex Concerts – Trace Reddell

Edvin van der Heide: A Spatial Language Of Light And Sound – Interview by Arie Altena

The Hybrid Architectures of Iannis Xenakis – Elizabeth Sikiaridi

Right Here, Right Now, HC Gilje’s Networks of Specificity – Mitchell Whitelaw

Sonia Cillari: Space Is Body Centred – Interview by Annet Dekker

Mental And Existential Ecology – Juhani Pallasmaa

Blur Building – Diller + Scofidio

Daan Roosegaarde: Techno-Poetry of Augmented Reality and Interactive Architecture – Interview by Arie Altena

The Diorama RevisitedErkki Huhtamo

Marc Maurer: Pixel Architecture is Media Architecture – Interview by Arie Altena

The Poetics of Hybrid Space Changing Spatial Sensibilities and Ubiquitous Mediatisation – Eric Kluitenberg