Sonic Acts Academy 2020


Editor: Mirna Belina
Copy Editor: Jason Coburn
Design: The Rodina
108 pp., English, February 2020
Print copies are sold out!

Critical essays, interviews and visual interventions in this volume navigate the messy world of climate crisis and oppressive capitalism. Through various contributions made in the context of the Sonic Acts Academy 2020 programme, the magazine brings together different facets of diverse disciplines that imagine what (and for whom) a future worth living is. It pairs photographs, drawings, manuals, and film stills that highlight the strategies of visibility and mobilisation that art enables. The featured critical essays and rigorous discourse shift our attention towards listening to ecocide, humanity’s extractive relationship to the cosmos, and the damage sensed by more-than-human ensembles.


Plastiglomerate Sea LifeThe Rodina

Magical Thinking: Towards A Future Worth LivingMirna Belina

Ecotopia – Unlearning AnimalityTerike Haapoja

Ecology As Intrasectionality – T. J. Demos

Listening to Ecocide In The PacificNabil Ahmed, AM Kanngieser

Cloud Walking – Dehlia Hannah

Errant Wandering – Nadim Samman

Objecthood: On FireRoc Jiménez De Cisneros

Cosmorama: A Peep Show Of The New Space AgeDesign Earth (Rania Ghosn, El Hadi Jazairy)

Geoglyphs To Live ByLukáš Likavčan

Healing and Killing in the Underground Daniel Mann

Conditions 2020MÆKUR (Maia Urstad, Eva Rowson, Anton Kats)

Celebrating Collective Joy at Progress BarAmie Galbraith

Apathy, The New Standard – Ting Ding, Deforrest Brown, Jr.

On A Psychedelic BecomingHugo Esquinca

From Bow To EarMaika Garnica

Pavane Op. 50Sadaf H Nava

Queering Damage Helen Pritchard, Jara Rocha, Femke Snelting, Laura Benítez Valero

Marja Ahti: Opening to the World of Sounds – In conversation with François Bonnet

★ Kali Malone: Sensitive States of Perception – In conversation with François Bonnet

Drasland StretchLag Os