Living Earth


Editor: Mirna Belina
Copy Editors: Arie Altena, Mark Poysden
Design: Arthur Roeloffzen
256 pp., 17 x 24 cm, English, May 2016
ISBN 9789082321623

This publication is a chronicle of Dark Ecology, a collaborative project between Sonic Acts and Norwegian curator Hilde Methi, held from 2014 to 2016 in different places around Norway and Russia. The project included research trips to the Barents Region: from Kirkenes and Svanvik in Norway, to Nikel, Zapolyarny and Murmansk in Russia. Inspired by Timothy Morton’s concept of ‘dark ecology’ and his philosophy of ‘ecology without Nature’, this publication rethinks the relationship between nature and art. Through a wide range of contributions, it addresses contemporary critical thought around the consequences of the Anthropocene, while also documenting and presenting the artistic work commissioned for Dark Ecology.


Arie Altena, Gideon Kiers, Hilde Methi, Lucas van der Velden, Annette Wolfsberger: Dark Ecology - Outside The Comfort Zone – Interview by Mirna Belina

★ What Is Dark Ecology?Timothy Morton

Grey Zone – Marijn de Jong

★ Unearthed – Karl Lemieux, Bj Nilsen

Barents (Mare Incognitum) – HC Gilje

Joris Strijbos: Machine Synaesthetics – Interview by Nicky Assmann

krysning / пересечение / conflux Signe Lidén

Vilgiskoddeoayvinyarvi: Wolf Lake On The MountainsJustin Bennett

★ Tatjana Gorbachewskaja and Katya Larina: Nikel - The City As Material – Interview by Mirna Belina

Material Vision - Silent ReadingEspen Sommer Eide

Magic UexküllGraham Harman

Living Land - Below as AboveBritt Kramvig, Margrethe Pettersen

Murmansk Spaceport / Мурманский КосмодромHilary Jeffery

The Crossing – HC Gilje

Long Wave SynthesisRaviv Ganchrow

A Vertical Perspective – Espen Sommer Eide

Prospecting: A Geological Survey of GreysCecilia Jonsson

Mikro – HC Gilje, Justin Bennett

Dirty PicturesSusan Schuppli

Staring Into the IceFemke Herregraven

The Workable Arctic of Ice and OilBerit Kristoffersen

★ Heather Davis: Queer Kinship – Interview by Rosa Menkman

UnknownLucy Railton, Russell Haswell

Secret Chamber I & II / Тайная Комната I & II – Anya Kuts, Ivan Zoloto